Gina Giordan
Don't forget to SPRING FORWARD on Sunday, March 13, 2022
We just wanted to remind you to spring your clocks forward in a few weeks.
Daylight Saving Time will begin at 2:00 AM on Sunday, March 13, 2022 in most areas of the U.S. We officially consider ourselves “saving daylight hours,” so, in your time zone, you’ll be on “Daylight Time” (EDT, CDT, MDT, or PDT).
This is the most dreaded of the time changes because it feels as though we’re losing an hour of sleep. So, if you normally wake up at 6 am, you’ll be rising at 5 am even though the clock face says 6 am.
While the "official" change happens at 2 a.m. Sunday, it's okay if you take care of it Saturday night.
So, check the microwave, find the remote for the VCR (does anyone still use those?), and look for any other device in your house that isn't smart enough to change the time on its own.
Day Light Saving Time is this Sunday, March 13, 2022