Gina Giordan
Last night’s democratic debate proved what everyone already knew was true. The only true candidates in the Dem race are Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. And out of the two, there was only one clear winner. Hillary’s guile and poise in answering Anderson Cooper’s questions reminded democrats why she was the clear frontrunner for the nomination (and some would say the presidency) just a few months ago.
Hillary was strong and composed. Her answers were for the most part clear and to the point. More importantly, she was there to draw first blood against Bernie Sanders. She addressed Sanders’ on-the-fence stance against gun control in the past early on in the debate, and Sanders never really recovered from that blow. In fact, Bernie actually helped Hillary when he said “The American people are sick and tired of hearing about” Hillary’s “damn emails.” It’s telling when your biggest opponent avoids the weakest point of your campaign.
In Sanders defense, he was still a strong candidate, despite playing slight catch-up to Hillary. In fact, the Sanders campaign feels they won the debate, as does Sanders’ internet-driven young fanbase. However, Hillary’s camp seems to be certain of their own victory.
Unlike the GOP’s two circus roadshow-like debates, filled with insults and ad hominem attacks, the democrats actually tried to answer questions about their policies and the ways they wanted to change the country. Maybe this is why calling the winner in this debate was a bit harder than in the GOP ones. In fact, GOP favorite Donald Trump live-tweeted the event and actually criticized the fact that the candidates seemed to know what they were talking about. What did the Donald want? For candidates to wing it? You can almost hear Trump yelling at his TV: “What a bunch of losers.”